Area 51 and UFOs

Already there's been so much fuss about UFOs and Area 51. UFOs are one of the most searched Keyword on Google. Well, Basically UFO's in 70% times are nothing but either some plane or something.. Only 30% of time it looks legit. Now, I am writing this post in context to previous article, of mine about Aliens,, so if you havent read them yet... the click on link :                  
5 Reasons proving Existence of Aliens

Now, in that article in Varginha, incident , we see that Brazil Government captures so called UFOs and then no one knows where they go,, And then Government says that we dont know anything..(That's best cover-up story by each Government). Well, Just by a single statement they rejected whole town's evidence...

Well, so is in USA.. Area 51 is basically a such believed UFO abduction center where most "probably" experiments are carried out on Aliens. Now there's shoot at site law, if you try to go near it. It's Located about 150 miles away from Los angels where Engineers and scientists reverse engineer Highly advanced technology of UFOs, no one can access details about Area 51, as it is hidden in files by the name of National security. But there's not only UFO theory.. there are many theories like :

>> UFO's Spacecraft's are reverse -engineered

>> Theories like One world government or Majestic 12 program..

>> Development of time travel and Teleportation,etc